Saturday, May 31, 2014

I 01001100 01101111 01110110 01100101 You #9


Albro was in the middle of his bed frame, clutching an allen wrench, and scratching his head when he heard the knock at the door. He rolled his eyes at the thought that it was Jefferson returning for a second time that morning. He had disabled the EyeSpy at the door, but still instinctually looked at where the monitor on the wall would have been had it not been packed away already.

Gronk. Gronk.

He went back to work disassembling the frame when he heard the door again.

Gronk. Gronk. Gronk.

Things had been quiet since Ito had been shut off and put in the garage, so Gronk’s sudden fervency caused Albro to pause. He listened as silence once again settled over the house. Then he heard T1N’s quiet steps and the latches securing the door being moved aside.

“T1N!” Albro started towards the front door. What has gotten into them, he wanted to scream, but instead braced himself for the difficult task of telling Jefferson they were moving. He rounded the corner and then stopped. Gwen stood framed in the daylight.

Albro flushed and then became acutely aware of his appearance. His “Han Shot First” tee shirt was stained at the pits and the pair of jeans he was wearing was a work pair with gaping holes throughout. “I… I… I need to go change.”

He rushed off back to his room, tore the first box he saw open, and threw clothes out onto the floor.
Gwen followed T1N quietly into the empty living room. Gronk rocked from side to side, saying its name over and over again until she patted him on the head. A puff of smoke came out of him and he became instantly silent and still, causing Gwen to wonder if she had overloaded him.

“He probably blew a capacitor.” Albro was back, in a clean ThunderCats tee shirt and intact jeans.

“Does that happen often?”

“Just when he gets excited or at the end of Serenity when Wash dies.”
The two fell silent and then each looked away from the other. T1N stood in the middle, his head moving back and forth between them, and then he went over to Gronk, picked him up, and took him to the front of the house. Albro and Gwen were now alone.

“So… you’re moving.”


“Any particular reason?”

Albro looked down at the floor and then seemed to start talking but then stopping himself before even a syllable could come out. Finally, “With the neighbors… I’m just stirring up trouble if we stay.”

“So you’re just running away again.”


“Oh, I know all about it.” Gwen’s voice suddenly became hard and she spoke briskly. “After you ran off at the movie a friend of yours introduced himself. He told me all about your college days. I just wish I’d known all this before…”

“Who…” Albro started to fidget, his eyes swept the room frantically, and he took small steps back towards the bedroom. T1N, sensing his anxiousness moved himself between Albro and Gwen.

The hard mask slipped a little from Gwen’s face and she hesitated before continuing, “Your old roommate, Calvin Rueben Hanson.”

T1N locked his sensors on Gwen and his relaxed posture was replaced by a more ready one; legs spread and arms held up at the waist.

“No… no… no…” Albro muttered as he backed into the wall, his legs gave out, and he slid down it.
Gwen’s face fully dropped its harshness and at once became concerned, even reaching out a hand towards the pathetic figure now curled up into a ball. “What’s going on?”

T1N looked from his master to Gwen and then back again. He then motioned for Gwen to follow, walking back towards the entrance. Gwen followed slowly, watching Albro with one eye and tracking T1N with the other.

T1N went into the office just off the entrance, went to the desk, and then motioned towards the one black screen streaming green text. Gwen peered past the white automaton to read the emerald words, which had slowed so she could read them. Stopping now and again to silently question T1N, who would nod his accent, Gwen read in amazement.

“Oh, no. I’m so, sorry. I told him where he lives. I’m so sorry.” Gwen raced around the corner, tears started in the corners of her eyes. She knelt down in front of Albro and delicately put a hand on his shoulder. Albro was perfectly still and made no indication he noticed being touched.

“I’m so sorry, Albro. I told him where you live. He’s coming here today to challenge you to some stupid robot duel.”

Albro looked up, his eyes haunted and bloodshot; he seemed small and fragile, like a child. “Why,” he whispered, not trusting his own voice.

Gwen struggled herself to speak, her face passing from happy to sad and back again. “I wasn’t going to be hurt again. I felt so stupid for going to that movie… meeting someone I’ve never really met. Then you’re gone and this guy starts talking to me about you… I just didn’t want to get hurt again.”

“I’d never hurt you,” he whispered again.

“Jason wouldn’t have intended to hurt me either.”

Albro, for the first time looked Gwen in the eyes.

“You don’t know me either, Tin Man.” Gwen laughed lightly. “I was engaged once. His name was Jason. He’d joined the Marines right after highschool. He said, ’After this tour I’ll marry you before someone else snatches you up.’ But he never came back.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I didn't leave my house for months. Luckily I worked for my uncle, so I had a job waiting for me. At some point, sitting in a dark house, alone, I promised myself I’d never be hurt again. And here I am, back in a dark house.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.”

The two jumped when there was a forceful knock at the door.

“It’s him. I’ll take care of it,” Gwen said before getting up. Albro stayed on the floor, shrinking back a little. 
Gwen opened the door, to reveal a very surprised Calvin Rueben Hansen.

“Gwen… what an unexpected surprise.”

“Mr. Hansen, Albro is busy at the moment but I am authorized to inform you that he accepts your challenge.”

Hansen suddenly looked like a drowning man. “You… you told him?”

“Oh, yes. In fact he got right to work; it’s what he’s doing right now.”

“I was under the impression he was running away again.”

“No. The U-Haul there,” Gwen motioned to the truck sitting in the driveway,”…has his spare parts and extra supplies. It’s like he’d been planning for a day like this for a long time.”

“Has he now. I’d like to speak with him.”

“I’m afraid he’s far too busy, something about delicate wiring or some such.”

“Well then, if you could hand him this.” Hansen produced a thick binder labeled DUEL of the ROBOTECH MASTERS. “The rules for the event and his consent form. If he could fax that to my lawyer by tomorrow afternoon there will be no delay in our “business”.


“It’s what I’m calling this endeavor. Albro Swift is the first of the Robotech Masters who I will challenge and fight to the delight and marvel of a global internet audience.”

“Isn’t Robotech from something?”

“No, it’s an original idea.”

“OK. I’ll make sure he gets this.” Gwen began to close the door and then stopped. “There is one more thing. He’s going to kick your butt.”

Gwen then slammed the door. Hansen stood comfortably, looking up and down the length of the neighborhood, and then muttered, “Well that was unexpected.”

*                                  *                                  *

“Thanks for coming.”

“It’s worse than I thought.”

“I think he really needs you.”

Jefferson made no indication he heard Gwen, he simply stared at Albro still huddled on the floor.



Jefferson took something from T1N and then knelt down next to his friend.

“Your finger would remember their old strength better… if they grasped your soldering iron.” Jefferson said as he slide the iron into Albro’s hand. Albro looked at the iron in his hand, then at Jefferson, Gwen, and T1N.

“Where is Ito?” Albro looked around the room. “We have a duel to win.”

An evil grin crossed Jefferson’s face and he let out a wild, “Yeeessss!”

You've just read 1,394 words, of which 1000 I struggled over and still struggle with. Part of me didn't want Gwen to be the one in this scene, but the other half of me knew she needed to be more involved. How does this day work for you guys? Too much? Too little? Not enough robots fighting? Oh we'll solve that one.

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