Saturday, April 19, 2014

I 01001100 01101111 01110110 01100101 You #5

Friday is a pretty full day and its Easter Weekend so here is the first half of Friday in a small, chocolate covered bite. Please let me know what you think and please share with any famous people you know.

Jefferson waited at the door after knocking for the fifth time. He could feel eyes watching him from across the street; curious neighbors employing time honored snooping tactics to stay up on the neighborhood gossip no doubt. Finally the door swung open to reveal T1N.

“He’s not coming is he?”

T1N motioned for Jefferson to come inside. The house was dark and even the TV, which was always on, was off.


“I don’t think I can do this.”

Jefferson came around the corner and saw Albro in the light of the stove light sitting rigidly at the table. A fifth of apple juice sat in front of him, the near empty container hinting that this might not have been his first one. Albro was dressed in a two tone blue long-sleeved shirt and khaki pants, obviously ready to go out since his usual attire was sweat pants based.

“You look good man.”

“I don’t think I can do this,” he repeated.

Jefferson took out a glass, poured himself the remainder of apple juice, and downed the contents in one pull. “Smooth.”

The house fell silent again.

“I know you got your reasons for living like this, man. But I see a lot of the world from the cab of my truck and well, ya see, I'm not saying that I've been everywhere and I've done everything, but I do know it's a pretty amazing planet we live on here, and a man would have to be some kind of fool to think they can hide away from it for forever.”

“Big Trouble in Little China?”

“I spent a summer with a broken leg and TBS played it like 50 times.”

“I love that movie.”

“It lost some of its luster after the thirtieth viewing. Yet, Jack Burton’s words still hold true. I know we’ve only known each other for a few days and you’re not about to share your life story with me, but chances like this only come once in your life.”

Albro slowly brought his cup to his lips and drank.

“Ok,” he said so softly Jefferson wasn’t sure he had heard him. T1N however had heard him perfectly and immediately left the room. He returned with an olive drab jacket, gloves, and a motorcycle helmet. Albro stood, taking the gloves and helmet. T1N then helped him put on the jacket.

“I’ll drive.”

“You can drive?”

“Well until certain legislation gets written that allows automatons to drive or even just autonomous vehicles, someone has to take Ito and Gronk for their Sunday drives.”

“Our government is so slow to react to the needs of the people.”

“I know, right?”

The entered the garage where Albro’s blue ’81 Honda Accord sat in pristine condition. Jefferson gave an approving nod.

“It was my dad’s. You had to wait for a blue one to ship from the factory back in the day.”
“Shotgun!” Jefferson ran to the passenger side. T1N seemed to glare at the presumptuous EPS driver and then went to the back.

“Aren’t we taking Ito and Gronk?”

“I grounded them after their last escape attempt,” Albro said as he pulled the car out of the garage. His hand tapped the garage door remote, turned the car onto the road, and sped off. Just before the door closed, a metal hand swept in front of the infrared sensor that kept the door from closing on small children or just closing at all sometimes.

Gronk. Gronk.

A half dozen of Ito’s hands motioned for Gronk to silence himself, while the automaton’s sensors scanned the immediate area. Ito coded into his log the symbols for smiley face and evil grin face.

To be continued...

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