Saturday, March 29, 2014

I 01001100 01101111 01110110 01100101 You (#3)

“So she really said she was jealous?”

“Yep.” Jefferson shifted in his chair as he maneuvered Luigi around a corner with a red shell hot on his tail.

“What do you think that means?”

Jefferson growled as the first of three balloons popped. “It means she wants to meet you.”

Jefferson cheered as he activated the star power just as he crashed into Albro’s Mario.

“Why would she want to do that?”

“The mind of a woman is mysterious my friend, but I would guess it’s because of the robot.”


“Right… right… robot is German for…” Jefferson tossed his hat on the ground and cursed under his breath as a stray green shell took a second balloon.

“Czech. It’s Czech for… aaagghhh!” Mario had just shrunken in size and been run over.

“She’s working today if you want to run over and talk to her.”

Jefferson dropped his controller as the third and final balloon popped because of a banana peel and thirty seconds later Albro did the same when he was knocked out by another red shell.

“Why did we let him play?” Jefferson motioned towards T1N who held the third controller and then to the Bowser character on the screen who was celebrating wildly. “Doesn’t that break one of Asimov’s Rules for Robots or something?”

“Let him have it. It’s not wise to upset a droid.”

“But nobody worries about upsetting an EPS Driver?”

“That’s because most of them are out delivering packages.”

“I’m gonna let you in on a trade secret my man. Except during Christmas, it takes me half an hour to unload my truck; it’s all in how you plan your route and what I like to call ‘Drive-by Delivery’.”

“You’re an example to delivery driver’s everywhere.”

“Thank you.”

The room fell silent as Albro set up the next Mario Cart match.

“So… she said she was jealous?”



“You know, Gronk looks like he’s got a bad motivator.” Gronk. “Probably needs a replacement.” Gronk. Gronk. Gronk.

“Gronk doesn’t use motivators… oh!”

Jefferson turned to T1N and mimed whispering a secret. “Little slow on the subtext.”

“I guess I could have T1N pick up some magnet wire.”

“Why send a bot on a man’s quest? Stand up and let us abscond to the Lectronic Shoppe!”

“You know, I’ve got a lot of work to do. I should really get to work on all that.” Albro got up and went into his office.

“What just happened?”

T1N shrugged.

*                                  *                                  *

“Dave, I need you to work with me here.”


“You’re really going to be a stick-in-the-mud about this?”


“Where you at?”

“Out at the Duty Free,” the radio crackled back.

“I’m at the berry farm on Loomis. How about the first one there gets the pick up?”


“Dave?” No response. “Dave?” Jefferson hung his head for a brief moment. “Dave I’m calling in my 

The radio sat silent.

“You’re really calling it in for this?”

“It’s important.”


Jefferson threw the truck into drive and was soon back in city limits, stopped at the Guide Meridian waiting to race down Main St. Lost in thought he almost missed seeing her. The sleek white and blue sedan waited its turn at the light heading south. Her red hair was pulled back in a bun and her tinted glasses hid her beautiful green eyes.

“181WSP,” Jefferson said in a reverent tone. Moving on its own Jefferson’s hand gave a quick wave.
As she passed she gave a wave of her fingers.

The EPS truck stood still through two cycles of the light before it finally crossed the highway and made its way into town.

“Where’s Dave?” The very large man who blocked the backdoor into the Lectronic Shoppe eyed Jefferson up and down.

“His spastic colon was acting up again.”

“Huh. Well, we’ve got some stuff for you.”

“Thanks.” The garage door rolled up and Jefferson made quick work of loading up all the packages.

“Hey, Gwen.”

“Hey… you. Seen the Tin Man recently?”

“Just saw him this morning. He said he’s been really busy lately, work and all that.”


Jefferson signed for the pick-ups. He saw a brochure for the outdoor cinema in town and an idea came to him. “Actually, he said he was excited to go to the movie on Friday.”

“Really?” Gwen looked at the brochure. “He’s excited to go see Flicka?”

“Well, who doesn’t like…” Now Jefferson quickly scanned the brochure. “…the story of a free-spirited young girl and her equally spirited horse. I think he’s more excited to just get out. Hey! You should come. It’d be a chance to see the Tin Man in the flesh and in person.”

“Uhhmm… maybe. Friday’s I work late, so I’d be coming by after it’s started… if I’m feeling up to it.”

“Of course… no worries… ain’t no thing… say no more… say no more.”

“Don’t you have to have those packages back by 5,” the mountain of a man from the back asked.

“Look at the time! My momma said I was born on time and I’ve been running late ever since. I will see you and you later.”

As soon as the back door closed the man turned to Gwen. “You aren’t honestly thinking of going Friday are you?”

“Maybe Uncle Sam. What girl doesn’t like a movie about horses?”

Uncle Sam snorted and rolled his eyes.

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